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Hiring a disability representative can help you avoid simple mistakes, feel confident in your application while increasing your chances of success. We won’t charge you for services until we are successful in getting you benefits on your case. We work on a contingency basis and am paid only when we get your case approved. Once approved, Social Security will calculate and disburse 25% of your back-pay total with a maximum of $6,000, whichever is the lesser of the two, directly to us as your representative.


We will discuss your case with you and answer any questions you may have. We will also communicate with the Social Security Administration and other related government agencies on your behalf, so that you don’t have to play phone tag or feel confused in the process.


The administrative process for disability benefits includes numerous forms and medical paperwork. As your disability representative we can complete these forms for you and contact medical professionals to obtain the required records and physician statements.


Most first-time applications are denied, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. If your claim is denied, we will need to file an appeal and you may be asked to appear at an administrative hearing. We will help you understand the process, prepare your appeal, and attend the hearing with you. We will present your claim thoroughly and efficiently.


We will monitor your case status and give you updates, so you’ll always know where you’re at in the application or appeals process.


We will make note of important deadlines, so that you don’t miss a scheduled appointment, appeal date or a hearing.

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